drop mingedrop modedrop muddrop my cookiesdrop my junkdrop my kids off at the pooldrop my tv niggadrop neckdrop ninedrop nosedrop nuggetsdrop nutdrop nutsdrop o'clockdrop obama at the white housedrop obama off at the conventiondrop of a hatdrop off a few friends at the lakedrop off sasha and malia at the pooldrop off some cosbies
drop off some platesdrop off some timberdrop off the cosbiesdrop off the cosby kids at the pooldrop off the cosby'sdrop off the jackson kids at the pooldrop off the kidsdrop off the kids at the pooldrop onedrop one's armpitsdrop outdrop out on crackdrop paperdrop partydrop piecedrop pointdrop pounddrop pussy bitchdrop rootdrop rubber