drop some presents down the chimneydrop some sciencedrop some shiites off at the mosquedrop spotdrop stacksdrop steamdrop step pivotdrop stepsdrop stickdrop sweatdrop sykedrop tankdrop the anchordrop the axedrop the babydrop the balldrop the beatdrop the biscuitdrop the black kids off at the pooldrop the bomb
drop the browns off at the superbowldrop the chaindrop the chalupadrop the clouddrop the clutchdrop the coffeedrop the colored kids off at the pooldrop the corndrop the cosbies offdrop the cosby kids off at the pooldrop the cosby's at the pooldrop the cosby's off at the pooldrop the cosbys at the pooldrop the couchdrop the dead donkeydrop the derekdrop the deucedrop the dimedrop the domedrop the dragon
drop the dumplings in the fryerdrop the elbowdrop the f bombdrop the failbombdrop the fat kids off at the pooldrop the full fivedrop the glovesdrop the great gatsbydrop the gundrop the h bombdrop the hammerdrop the handdrop the hookdrop the kdrop the kidsdrop the kids at the pooldrop the kids at-the pooldrop the kids offdrop the kids off at the mosquedrop the kids off at the pool