drop the kids off at the pool.drop the kids off to go swimmingdrop the kneedrop the l bombdrop the lip bombdrop the lobsterdrop the milkdrop the mitsdrop the muddrop the needledrop the nutdrop the obama's off to the pooldrop the obamas off at the oval officedrop the obamas off at the white housedrop the octopusdrop the piecesdrop the plowdrop the prison soapdrop the sciencedrop the shovel
drop tuningdrop ya gutsdrop ya like a used rubberdrop youdrop you in itdrop you like alfredodrop your assdrop your bagdrop your batdrop your booksdrop your bucket in the dirtdrop your chalupadrop your cocks and grab your socksdrop your daksdrop your gutsdrop your pantsdrop your pocketsdrop your sackdrop your socksdrop your wallet