i pity the fooli pity the fool!i plain, just, don't care about them!!!i play for keepsi podi pod,3gboomi poisoned your whine!i pooped my pantsi pootedi pops my collai poured the juicei poweri predict a riot!i press recordi pressed the buttoni pulled a boneri punch different strokes for different folksi put bothi put it to youi put on my wizard hat
i put some sour cream in her tacoi put thati put the 'impin in the pimpini put the impin' in the pimpin'i pwn noobsi pwn the interneti pwnd your muth3ri pwned jooi quit this bitchi ri r 1337 and pwn j00!!11i r 73h 1337 0wnz0rzi r babooni r boredi r da besti r hungryi r koreai r pant!i r sif caeki r spartracoos
i racki raf, i rusei raff i rusei raped you so hard last nighti rawr youi read your emaili really do still respect females!i really hate to slip but i gotta lopi really like youi remember cecili remember nothingi resemble that remarki respect thati rest my casei rike your styrei roboti rock the shit housei rode a horse oncei roger thati roll like that