stop dormroom gaynessstop draftingstop drippinstop drop and rollstop fucking my pussy!stop haten mestop having a cheneystop itstop itching me sonstop laughing at me bitchstop lightedstop looking at my assstop lossstop me when i liestop motionstop movementstop my ass is burning!stop n chatstop n' mergestop play
stop poking my ribsstop pressstop reading garbagestop seeing at my bobsstop shitting in my pantsstop shortstop signstop sign gamestop sign salamistop sign standoffstop sign surprisestop sixstop snitchinstop snitchingstop speaking like a liberalstop spying on me!!!stop stealing my style!stop suckingstop sucking mestop surfing my waves
stop sweating mestop swimming in my applesaucestop talkingstop thatstop that wordstop the bellumstop the car jonstop the car!stop the lightsstop thisstop walking around cullmanstop with the mass abbievsstop yo doinsstop your bitchin!stop yourselfstop, drop, and plopstop, fair gostop-'n'-blowstopatagestopatation