taking the cosby kids to the pooltaking the cow to markettaking the fat chicktaking the garlic bread out of the oventaking the herbie to the curbtaking the high roadtaking the hittaking the hobbits to isengardtaking the hufftaking the kids to the pooltaking the knottaking the last train out of rometaking the late bustaking the log to the beavertaking the lord's name in veintaking the micktaking the mickeytaking the nugtaking the peanuttaking the pineapple
taking the pisstaking the piss [out of someone/something]taking the red line to shady grovetaking the regitaking the shakertaking the sixtaking the skin-boat to tuna-towntaking the skinboat to tunatowntaking the testtaking the white train to mushroom landtaking the wrecktaking things too fartaking up the slacktaking you for an ice creamtaking_a_break.exetakinganenglishtakinistakistakishtakit