up to the lions noseup to the maker's markup to the makers nameup to the spudsup to your ass in alligatorsup to your nuts in gutsup topup top earlyup top where the short people cant reachup toppersup townup town steam rollerup townsup tuckup tushup under the trailerup upup up down down left right left right b aup up down down left right left right b a startup with hope, down with dope
up with itup with the brownup with the put-downup ya flapsup yer japsyup yer klungeup your alleyup your arseup your ass and around the cornerup your ass and in your visceraup your assesup your bum!up your buttup your butt and around the cornerup your butt with a coconutup your dickup your jaffeup your kiltup your my ronsonup your nose with a rubber hose