you say we payyou say whaayou scratch my back, i scratch yoursyou scratch my back, i'll scratch send meyou shady faggot!you shanked my jangashipyou shit meyou shit yourselfyou shittin' meyou sho rightyou shoedyou shook assyou shook me all night longyou shoot like a stormtrooperyou shot a cowyou shouldyou should bone heryou should bone himyou should have bought a squirrel
you should have gone to specsaversyou should run for vice presidentyou shut upyou siryou sir, are an assyou sit down when you pee!you ski?you sleepyou slimyou smell like cabbageyou smell like cheeseyou smell like outsideyou smell like skittlesyou smell meyou smell what i'm cookingyou smell what i'm steppin in?you snackin' on some cheese?you snooze, you loseyou sound fatyou spin me round
you spin me round like a recordyou spityou spit like a camelyou startingyou starting?you still got straight?you stupidyou succeed ityou suckyou suck at lifeyou suck at suck at nintendoyou suck at photoshopyou suck at the internetyou suck at urban dictionary!you suck dick for moneyyou suck eggsyou suck gayyou suck go die