bite me you gastric sum bitchbite moosebite my assbite my bagbite my crankbite my crunchy brown assbite my hairy assholebite my left titbite my momentbite my shiney metal assbite my shiny metal assbite my shitbite my stylebite my thumbbite my white assbite necksbite offbite on my cupcakebite one's head offbite one's thumb
bite sexbite shoesbite sizedbite someone's head offbite steelbite stickbite that birdbite the billetbite the brownbite the bulletbite the bullshitbite the butterbite the cherry muffinbite the clownbite the curbbite the dustbite the end off the cigarbite the hand that feedsbite the hand that feeds youbite the headboard