let onelet one flylet one golet one riplet one sliplet one tearlet one's hair downlet riplet sleeping dogs lielet some asslet speaklet that be the reasonlet the beat buildlet the cat out of the baglet the cement drylet the chips fall where they maylet the dog see the rabbitlet the dogs outlet the dogs run all over the yardlet the dug see the rabbit
let the games beginlet the hammer flylet the moths outlet the poppers pop and the breakers breaklet the right one inlet the shit hit the fanlet the side downlet the smoke outlet the team hit itlet them eat snatchlet them movelet there belet there be rocklet uplet you golet your clutch outlet your fingers do the walkinglet your neck outlet your nuts hang outlet's bail
let's be friendslet's be having youlet's be nunslet's blowlet's blow this pop standlet's blow this popsicle standlet's blow this popsicle stand!let's bouncelet's bounce this popsicle palacelet's bullylet's burnlet's buzioslet's converselet's crank this shit up to elevenlet's cut this biscuitlet's dance to joy divisionlet's do lunchlet's do thislet's do this like brutuslet's drop this panda