let freedom ring from lookout mountain of tennessee.let freedom ring from stone mountain of georgia.let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of california.let freedom ring from the heightening alleghenies oflet freedom ring from the mighty mountains of new york.let freedom ring from the snow-capped rockies of colorado.let golet go linelet go of my chalupalet his guard downlet itlet it all outlet it belet it be knownlet it be written, let it be domlet it bouncelet it breathelet it burnlet it chilllet it die
let me get?let me hit it.let me hold a hotlet me hold somethinlet me hold thatlet me hollalet me justlet me knowlet me livelet me put a one on thatlet me ridelet me riplet me see it.let me sit on your dick a minutelet me spinlet me stand next to your firelet me stand next to your fire!let me tell you somethinglet my nuts hanglet off