playing legosplaying lighthouseplaying marioplaying mario brothersplaying mario kartplaying monopolyplaying mouseplaying my violinplaying nakedplaying niggerplaying on the oftplaying peachesplaying peek-a-booplaying ping pong with the oblongplaying plinkoplaying plumberplaying pocket poolplaying pokemonplaying pokerplaying pool with a piece of rope
playing possumplaying pretend daddyplaying puppetplaying puppetsplaying quidditchplaying rainbowplaying rapeplaying scrabbleplaying sesame streetplaying some cd'splaying sonicplaying straplessplaying strategoplaying stupid buggersplaying submarinesplaying switchplaying swordsplaying tentsplaying the arm violinplaying the bagpipes
playing the banjoplaying the brownsplaying the browns in the super bowlplaying the cavernplaying the celloplaying the chode fluteplaying the clitarplaying the crane gameplaying the d.jplaying the dozensplaying the fiddleplaying the fieldplaying the fluteplaying the flute soloplaying the gameplaying the gay cardplaying the guitarplaying the hairy harmonicaplaying the instrumentplaying the mandolin