squeeze a brown one out.squeeze a lemonsqueeze a meatballsqueeze blood out of a turnipsqueeze boxsqueeze cheesesqueeze itsqueeze it easysqueeze jobsqueeze leverssqueeze luhgsqueeze mad clipssqueeze mesqueeze my toe and call me puppetsqueeze off a roundsqueeze one offsqueeze one outsqueeze out a few setssqueeze playsqueeze pop
squeeze the breaksqueeze the breezesqueeze the catsqueeze the charminsqueeze the cheesesqueeze the cream cheezesqueeze the greenssqueeze the juicesqueeze the lemonsqueeze the lizardsqueeze the spongesqueeze the squidsqueeze the weaselsqueeze theoremsqueeze toyssqueeze willysqueeze-boxsqueeze-me-poosqueezeboxsqueezebox nation