straight number systemstraight off bullshitstraight off the boatstraight off the terdstraight on thatstraight outstraight out of comptonstraight outta africa blackstraight outta colquitzstraight outta comptonstraight outta compton!11!1@1straight outta stormfrontstraight outta tennesseestraight outta the shirestraight papesstraight pies n hamstraight piledrive that shitstraight pimp chillinstraight pipestraight pipe'n it
straight piperstraight piratestraight pissstraight plan for the gay manstraight pridestraight puddlin' yostraight purpstraight rainbowstraight raverstraight razorstraight riderstraight rockinstraight ropestraight roskosin'straight ryestraight sackstraight satansstraight sexstraight shooterstraight shot
straight shotaconstraight sixstraight skinnystraight slotstraight spraystraight steelstraight talk expressstraight talkingstraight throstraight thug lifestraight thugginstraight thuggn it yo lik a ghetto princessstraight to astraight to dvdstraight to dvd/oscar nominee/oscar winner /#1 in the box offiecestraight to pigstraight to the astraight to the boxstraight to videostraight toppin mines like..