shake hands with beefshake hands with bruce willisshake hands with dick cheneyshake hands with j.f.k.shake hands with mr. johnsonshake hands with the frenchshake hands with the germansshake hands with the groundhogshake hands with the presidentshake hands with the senatorshake hands with the sheriffshake hands with the unemployedshake hands with the wife's best friendshake itshake it like a british nannyshake it like a british nanny.shake it like a polaroidshake it like a polaroid pictureshake it like a poleroidshake it like a salt shaker
shake the babyshake the beefshake the bishop’s handshake the cageshake the dew off my lilyshake the flyshake the glittershake the lettuceshake the pepper from the canshake the snakeshake the spotshake the weaselshake them dice and roll 'emshake them hatersshake them haters offshake timeshake trampshake upshake what your momma gave yashake ya tailfeather